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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Parts of the Map

Hi everyone its me again Boon Bing. Finally finish the layout of the map. Took me 1 hour to complete it. I know it's kinda suck but the map will be good and you guys will try it out. And i forgot to Screenshot down the process of drawing the layout guess i have to type it all out. While doing the layout i did alot of mistakes and have to keep on Undo undo undo. But its okay its worth it if people enjoys my map XD .
Some information about my map -
Neutral creeps will spawn in a specifc time interval at the side and moving towards the middle and back . There will not be any creeps in the forest but shops only. And Notice that the middle lane is very short compared to the others. But dun think that short lane means u can end fast , infact its even harder than the other lanes. So take note when its you're playing when my map its completed ;D
I shall begin on some editing of units. I will start on the items and skills on some other day. There are alot of information of the unit's catagory like the model act , colour , requirements , health and mana points and etc... Its not that hard to edit units if you have already planned your values as you just change it fast instant of thinking on the spot.

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