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Sunday, July 25, 2010

My Experience as Map Editor

After doing all the editing , i learn that its hard to make a map . You have to spend a lot of time on it to create a map . So next time even if you come across a sucky map try not say anything bad to it as the creator spend a lot of effort doing it. This is like a minute on stage is 10 years of practice. Map editor is also interesting , u can do alot of things that standard game do not have. Alot of impossible effects are possible. Arts can also be imported as well , this makes warcaft very special as allow us to play something simliar to other games or anime. Starting i was wonder what trigger editor is. After trying for hours , i finally understand what are events , condition and Actions. Events are like conditions for the triggers to be activated and condition are condition for the actions to be taken place.

I also learn that alot of skills in Dota are actually the same just that they change the arts and add in triggers to make it look better.

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