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Saturday, July 17, 2010

My 1st step

Hello everyone its me Boon Bing again on the custom maps ;D
Today i look further on the triggers Editors and i found out that its like Java Programming.
There are conditions Actions and events.
Events are like java's " To continue press 3 to stop press 4 if a they key in 3 or 4 an event will occur" , same goes to this " If a player type an exact ( text ), it will go to checking conditions.
Conditions are like java's " if( n == 3 )" . In Conditions there are alot of types like boolean , interger , player comparison and many more. After checking through the conditions , actions will be taken place .
Actions are like java's Compute and display after checking through the conditions. There are alot of kinds of action examples , display text , orders , victory ,camera view , loops and many more.
To summarize everything , Events are like condition for the trigger to be active and Condition is to check the whole game or the triggering units values to execute the actions.

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