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Friday, July 30, 2010

No Label =D

To: Derong, Boon Bing and Wynn... I just realise that only my posts have no label... lol =D

Who's the Pro in Battle War?

Every year there will be a game challenge going on in the whole wide world, which is a challenge that determine the stronger gamers in the world.

It's call WCG it's stand for World Cyber Games, it's an international e-sports event operated by Korean company World Cyber Games Inc. and backed by Samsung said, since 2006 , Microsoft. The official motto of WCG is "Beyond the Game", which is also the title of a documentary focusing on a legendary WCG rivalry. The World Cyber Games were set up in 2000 with the first festival being held in 2001. The festival is influenced by the Olympic Games with a players village for competitors and since 2004 a different host city every year.

Information from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Cyber_Games

Warcraft III battle war is one of the game item in WCG.

Let me post a video of WCG 2009 Warcraft III Final matches held in Chengdu, China. It was a 1 verse 1 matches where both team are from china so it very interesting so i hope those who read this blog will enjoy it.

WoW Trading Cards Offical Rulebook

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: It's the rulebook for the WoW trading card game. As it is too much too summarise, so I just upload the whole thing as a presention

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Battle of the 4 Races

Hi all readers is me the battle war beginner DeRonG, this post is about the 2 different races team together and battle the 2 other reminding races to see which team is the stronger tag team race.

I will be choosing Orc and my teammate will be choosing Night Elf we are going to challenge up against Human and Undead, so read till the end and you will know the result.

The special thing about this match is the map, it is a special map that fits 4 races and the surrounding of the base is cover by trees and river in between the enemies and allied base so it is quite challenging in term of transporting units to enemy base in order to invade them, so if possible those races who has most flying units has the advantage.

My Base
Allied Base
It is the time for some hunting to train the hero, but unfortunately this map doesn't have much neutral creeps so it can only depend on invading the enemy base as soon as possible to slow them down on their building speed.
It's always good to have 2 gold mines to speed up the collecting speed so that it can allow me to build more resources and units.
Another gold mine
While busying building the enemy send some of their flying units to slow me down on my building speed.
Enemy Flying unit attacking
When my allied was send their flying units to destroy units, the enemy send their units to invade my allied base so i send some of my units to assist him.

Enemy attacking allied base

Allied flying units destroying enemy base
Enemy units is too strong, me and my allied was able to destroy much of their building.

While our units was low in number, enemy went in to my base and start whacking my building when i try to create units to defend all of my units was killed, so it give the enemy a big opening to destroy all my building.

Building was destroyed

After my base was totally destroyed the enemy went over to my allied back and whack all of his building when he was defenseless.

Good Game we lost the match Undead and Human won...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Introducing WoW Trading cards

Hi again, it's DJ (DiJing). Today I will be introducting the WoW trading cards.

The World of Warcraft Trading Card are released on October 25, 2006. It requires two or more players and each player will use a hero card and a deck consisting of allies & other supporting cards. Players can find many rare cards from boosters and starter packs which contains a scratch-off code. This code can be use to redeem price in the online game for a vitual prize.

The goal is to reduce the remaining health of the opponent to zero. Unlike Magic, combat attacks are always directed to individual heroes or allies, rathering than simply declaring an attack with a number of creatures. Furthermore, damage done to characters accumlates between turns, making combat more expensive for the attacker and defender.

There are many types of cards featured in the game: Hero, Master Hero, Ability, Ally, Armor, Weapon, Item, Quest, Location and Loot.

Hope u all like the introduction on the trading card.

2nd Request From Viewers

Hello this is boon bing again. Previously , one of my viewer , Jude , requested to add in colors to my Lightning Curtains to make it look like an art. After an hour i of matching and testing of colors , i finally come to a conclusion of the following video below. Please give your comments about the video or any improvement.

WoW: Tides of Darkness

Hi all, it's DJ (DiJing) again. Today, I will be introducing the book: Tides of Darkness.

This book Tides of Darkness is a fantasy novel written by Aaron S. Rosenburg and published by Simon & Schuster Pocket star Books, a disivion of Viacom. The novel is a novelization of the RTS PC game: Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness (1995) and was made available on August 28, 2007.

The novel explres the events of the econd War (which took place during Warcraft II) when the Orccish Horde, led by Warchief Orgrim Doomhammar, returns to Azeroth to destroy the Human nations.

The book writer, Aaron S. Rosenberg commented at a punlic Q&A that among the main characters are Khadgar, Turalyon, Lothar, the sisters Winfrunner (Alleria, Sylvanas and Vereesa), Orgrim Doomhammar, Zul'jin and Gul'dan. The book also features places like Hillshrad, Stormgarde, Blackrock Spire, Caer Darrow, Stratholme and Quel'Thalas among others.

References: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World _of_Warcraft:_Tides_of_Darkness

Curiosity killed the cat

Hi all, Wynn here again! Today is time to do Humans stage 4! Cult of the Damned! so cool right? Ok so lets get started. The back story is that Jaina the Archmage and Arthas the Paladin has discovered the Undead's plot to cause plague by infected grains that cause decay. And the grains were shipped to a big city and so the 2 heroes goes to save the day!

But upon arrival of the outskirts of the city, the heroes spotted some Acrolytes (Undead builders) trying to build a base so the heroes chased them away and built their base instead as they do not dare to enter without an army. Indeed failure to prepare is preparing to fail!

So here is the main objective - Investigate Andorhal, the city i was talking about

I have discovered a new gold mine that can help me increase my gold mining speed . However i dont think i will go there now as it would mean that my main base will be left undefended so i will stabilize my base defense before conquering new ground.

Good decision! Here comes the Undead Creeps and i am ready to defend myself! if i had sent my troops to the other gold mine, i would not have made it back in time!

Food limit... I always forget about that. More units will cause food consumption to rise up thus we need to build more farms to continue building units.

The Signature Advantage of Humans! Teamwork! My builders can band together and focus on building a single building causing the building to be completed with much haste!

Hidden path! Time to explore! If curiosity killed the cat then the cat died well!

All that came out of it was bandits...

My team is assembled! 24 units half ranged half melee with some healers! I am ready to conquer the world!!! of Warcraft.


I have overcame the obstacles and its time to enter the Promised Land!! no just kidding all i will get is more battles cause its a war game.

So i went into the city but as always, heroes are always late and the undead are already there! So there is Kel'Thuzad the necromancer again but he is more daring today and he came to deliver a warning that our curiosity will be the death of us. But like i said, if Curiosity killed the cat, then the cat died well! It is always good to have a curios approach towards life so that education can be enjoyed, not endured!

So the main culprit is revealed! Mal'Ganis the dreadlord! Weird names...

And so the necromancer flees again asking us to seek the dreadlord at another city and so the saga continues Next Time On Dragonball Z. ok just kidding again, stay tuned for the next post!

Yea anyway, this is my sixth post so far! It has been fun so far, going so deeply and detailedly into games, keeping my finger on the PrintScreen button. I have learned how to take screenshots that look presentable, I learned how to not be so formal when blogging, replying people, watching the hit counter rise.. Yep the past few days was a great experience:)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sorry for the error

Hi Viewers, sorry for the error... try to use mozilla firefox to prevent the error...A big SORRY to u all, viewers...From DiJing

Request from Viewers

Hello this is boon bing here ;D few days ago 1 of my viewer , Jude , requested to make the skill to look like a whirlpool and i did something similar to it . I hope she would like it as i put in alot of effort in it as i keep on making errors of the concept. Hope u would Enjoy ;D

Monday, July 26, 2010


Hi its Wynn again! it has been a busy week but I am back! so here I am, going to post about mission 3 of the humans campaign in the reign of chaos. So the last time we left off, Arthas just killed the blademaster who was trying to summon demons and Uther did not believe that demons were being summoned. So we are suddenly brought to the city of magicians where Jaina the magician that Arthas likes is. Apparently she has been sent to help Arthas to fight the Orcs with her magical powers that is much more cooler than “far seer”.

And so, after such a cool introduction, she’s late. And she shows up fighting some Orcs and the captain suggested helping her but Arthas said she can take care of herself. What kind of man is he?

So they are going to investigate some plague in some city and Jaina is pretty happy as a prince is escorting her even though the prince doesn’t help her!?!?!

So here is my main objectives, Investigate the villagers and survive. I start off with Arthas the Paladin, Jaina the Archmage and 3 foot soilders.

And so we go, however if we went immediately, the game will be too short and uninteresting so Blizzard went and make the bridge broken so we have to take a detour and spend more time addicted to the game.

And in the midst of our detour, we stumbled upon villagers being attacked by bandits and so we are the good guys to save the day! But yea, I think detours in life are not a waste of time, they lead us to important things that we would have otherwise overlooked.

So after my awesome skills saved the day, the villagers introduced me to the fountain of life which can heal me. BUT it is on the other side of the map so they might as well not tell me at all.. but nevermind, I shall go.

So suddenly the Undead appears instead of the Orc. and my footman can block to block their arrows and lessen damage making it a totally victory

So here I am at the fountain of health. All I met was more undead archers in the way but it did not matter as I am here to heal!

So we reach the root cause of the plague. The granary is dying? And everyone gets worried as the rice has been spread to a big city and so we are going to find the main granary.

New troops – priest. Even though we do not have much reinforcement, there many chance of healing in this map makes things easy, to top it off, Jaina has a skill which gives increased mana regeneration for us to account for the lack of mana that Arthas or the priest has.

And so I am going to destroy the main warehouse after im done healing

New unit – Mortar team. Makes fast work of buildings so I do not have to take such a long time to end the game.

So this is the main culprit. Kel’Thuzad . But what a coward, he flees and summon some undeads for us to fight to buy time. and that pink lump of fats at the back looks like it was sown together from corpses but Arthas suggested (sarcastically) to study it after we kill it.

Final battle was much easier than the previous stages as there are no heros to fight. Time to destroy the granary now.

So Jaina is the smart one talking about Kel’Thuzad and now we are going to the big city that the grains were shipped to to find that guy and his purpose. That’s all for today! remember not to complain about detours!